Monday, September 26, 2005
it's always raining in my head...
current mood song: epiphany - staindcurrent location: bumming in library. no, i am not mugging, and no, i'm not a closet mugger. (besides, i can't mug and post at the same time. actually, i'd be rather impressed with myself if i could)
thoroughly disgusted. i've just finished my contract essay. on consideration and promissory estoppel. and i consider it the worst piece of crap i have ever officially written. (minus random poetry and sappy notes) for one, i wrote it over 5 days. so i forgot what i was doing when i started all over again. and so i just carried on with a new train of thought. and 5 different trains don't look very pretty together. plus these trains were borrowed from all over. i have anson's train, mckendrick's train, walton's train, high trees' train, and a random train from all over. so basically, the ideas repeat themselves. and nothing makes sense. and i don't know what i'm writing about. just that it's a disgusting piece of crap.
and you know what's even more disgusting? i'm actually happy that it's all 'completed' and i don't plan to touch it anymore. not even with a long stick.
i suspect this melancholy was brought on by an onset of monday blues, extreme cold in the library, pure frustration and sheer boredom. however, it's nothing a good round of squash won't cure. or a nice supper.
wen was dreaming at 5:32 PM