Wednesday, April 19, 2006

i'm still here. vaguely.

caught between surfing random blogs and reading legal theory, i decided to blog instead. nothing much. actually, there's quite a deal to say, but since it's all law related, i'll just shut up. since this was ultimately and essentially meant to be a diving based blog, replete with photos (which will come up once i decide to buy my underwater cam).

a few random thoughts (and in other news):

youtube has anime. and it's been killing me softly.

legal theory is like sand flowing through my fingers.

there's a party at attica on 3rd may, tickets going at $18.

law school has stolen my soul.

flying ants' mass suicide in temasek hall creates a huge mess.

i get easily distracted. . . what was i going to say again?

the simpler one's wants, the harder they are to fulfil.

till i next get bored, enjoy studying!

wen was dreaming at 8:15 PM



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