Saturday, November 25, 2006

the zen of clt.

clt is over. and i have learnt 5 important facts from it.

1) hedgehogs are not foxes, although they could be foxes if they wanted to

2) the-ox-that-is-not-an-ox has a really huge shadow

3) antelopes run in twos for a reason

4) apples and oranges cannot be compared, even though you have to compare them in order to know their incommensurability

and last but not least,

5) the point in time when Rembrandt got old is the same point in time a pile of sand ceased to be a pile any longer.

AMAZING STUFF, legal tradition is. to aid in the quest for more knowledge, i took a walk through the gardens yesterday to meditate.

the calm after the storm

bet you never knew there was a lake here right.

swans, they are photowhores

they swim towards photographers

and pose shamelessly

the photographer apologises for the blurry shot due to shaky hands

but this makes up for it i guess...

1 down, 2 to go.

wen was dreaming at 2:04 PM



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